Pay attention to the small details

This is why you planned on hiring him, right? Wrong.

Avoid the smoke and mirrors.

  • Stu is proud to say he's been in the industry over 25 years.
  • He points out he is certified with 4 different agencies.
  • Only reviews for him are through his site / HomeGauge where he can weed out bad reviews.
  • You can't find bad Google / Facebook / Yelp Reviews, simply because he can't delete the bad.
Sneaky Clause to Prevent Paying

Stu uses a clause within his pre-inspection paperwork to ensure he won't have to pay* when he misses something.

  • Missed structural issue that'll be $30k to fix? Not his problem.
  • Missed broken appliances? He won't care.
  • Missed a leaking shower? His shower works fine -- not his issue.

7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY As held by the Supreme Court of South Carolina in Gladden v. Boykin, 402 S.C.140, (2013): It is understood and agreed that should Inspector be found liable for any loss or damages resulting from a failure to perform any of its obligations pursuant to any aspect of the inspection or this agreement, including but not limited to negligence, breach of contract or otherwise, the liability of the Inspector and/or agents or employees shall be limited to a sum equal to the amount of the fee paid by the Client for this inspection and report.

*will only pay up to the amount of your inspection fee, if he decides to accept liability (good luck!)
Return Calls / Text?

Good luck!

  • Stu will lead you on to believe he is accepting his mistake and open a claim with his insurance company.
  • Insurance company will waste weeks of your time, and other contractors to come provide estimates for the repair.
  • Once you have wasted the time of numerous contractors, Stu and the Insurance Company will say not our problem.
  • Icing on the cake is even though they both will deny liability, they tell you even if they did both accept it and damages were greater than $8,500; they'd only pay the amount you did for the inspection.

Perfect solution
for your small business

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Samantha Bloom
Team Leader - Syncnow

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Mike Page
Developer - Chainlink

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Mary Longhorn
Manager - Firstdev

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Ronny Drummer
Designer - Sawdust

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